At the book fair, I found a Serbian-Japanese dictionary published by a Serbian publisher. Wow. Serbia seems much closer to Japan. There is no Macedonian-Japanese dictionary published by a Macedonian publisher in Macedonia yet. I hope it will come out soon. Or, maybe it would be me(!) who publish it in Macedonia :-D ??? That is why I am studying Macedonian sooo hard (well, not so).
そのブックフェアで見かけた、セルビアの出版社発行の「セルビア語-日本語」辞典。へ~え、セルビアやるなあ。日本により近い感じ。マケドニアにはまだないもんね、マケドニアの出版社による「マケドニア語-日本語」辞典。そんなものがいつかでてくるといいですね。。。ていうか、それってもしかして私がやれ、ってカンジ!? (マケドニア語教室、がんばって行ってます)。
Belgrade, as a capital of former Yugoslavia, has things that other ex-yugo cities lack, such as Japanese language course at University. In former Yugo Skopje was a provincial city without much foreigners, unlike now, but Japanese are still few. So, a Serbian-Japanese dictionary is needed at least for Japanese language students and professors. LL, Skopje
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