Although there is no Japanese restaurant in Macedonia, there is this restaurant "Harmonija" as a macrobiotics restaurant. I had never heard the word "
macrobiotics", and I still do not know how to explain what it is, but it is like, I would say, "a style of eating Japanese based healthy food". So, if you want to eat ordinary Japanese food, unlike sushi or some fancy stuff for non-Japanese, Harmonija offers regular-Japanese-life kind of food. What I ate at that time was something fresh that the chef offers that day as like
Teishoku menu, which were fried tofu, fried mushroom and fresh vegetables, and miso soup and rice (of course). These are like exactly what we eat at home everyday... or you can find this kind of restaurant in a small street in Kanda or wherever in the old town of Tokyo. So, when I do not feel like cooking, which is most of the time, there is this restaurant from now on. Good for me. It was a quite discovery. The only problem is that it is a bit far from my house. It is in the other side of the city.
マケドニアに日本食レストランはない、と言いましたが、でも実はこのマクロビオティックレストラン「ハーモニア」でけっこうかなり日本食に近い食べ物が食べられることを発見。マクロビオティックなる言葉を聞いたのは今回が初めてなのですが、要はわたし風に説明すると、「日本食をベースとした健康的なごはんの食べ方をするスタイル」とでもいいましょうか。(まあ、ぜひググって見てください。http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macrobiotics)そしてどんなごはんがそこで食べられるかというと、その日その時新鮮な材料でシェフ(マケドニア人のマクロビオティックの権威。ただのおかあさんみたいなんですけどね)が作ってくれるメニューがいいらしいのですが、その日のメニューは、シイタケとかのフライと野菜塩もみ、ごはんと味噌汁、というコンビネーションでした。いわゆる日本食レストランのスシとか天ぷらとかの外人用ごはんではなく、これってまじで普通の日本の家庭で食べてるごはんだよ、みたいな内容。神田の裏道とかにある定食屋のようなカンジとでもいいましょうか。こういうごはん屋って近所にあると、重宝するんだよねえ。。。料理自分で作る気がしない時とかに(私の場合ほとんどいつもですが)、ちちっと行けると助かるんだよねえ。。。でも問題は家から遠いところにあるんだよねえ。。。 ちちっとは行けないのがちょっと残念。
で 味噌汁の具はなんでしたでしょ?
How are you doing? I stil don't know your name because I couldn't find it in your blog. A Japanese friend of mine who is living in Spain told me about your blog, because this summer I'm going to work in Skopje with an university grant as an engineer of telecomunications. I must say that I like your blog a lot, It's amazing! you almost write everyday and you are giving very useful information. Well I don't know anything about Macedonia and I like to make you some questions if you don't mind, my e-mail is: juanma.agudo@gmail.com send me and e-mail if you don't mind and I will talk to you.
Thank you very much!
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