Taverna Toscana may be the best Italian restaurant in Skopje in my rating. Very sophisticated interior and tasty dishes with the sophisticated presentation. It is like the ones you can find in the Village in NY. I am glad to know that there is this kind of cool restaurant in Skopje. Now I do not need to go to NY for sophisticated Italian food ;-P Bravo. This restaurant can be used for a special occasion like significant someone's birthday. Happy birthday! And, I will introduce more about its food soon (maybe after my vacation).
タベルナトスカーナはたぶんスコピエで一番イケてるイタリアンレストランじゃないでしょうか。お店のインテリアのスタイルといい、料理といい盛り付けといい、洗練されていてこじゃれていて、NYのビレッジ近辺でも十分やっていけそうなレストラン。こんなレストランがスコピエにあるなんて! うれしい! もうこれで洗練されたイタリアごはんを食べにNYまで行かなくても済む! タベルナトスカーナのごはんについてはまた追って写真レポートします。夏休みが終わってからだろうけどね。
I visited Taverna toscana in May 2006 and I agree completely with the comment. The restaurant is charming, even little, and the cuisine is great and pure Italian!
But better reserve as sometime it's difficult to find a table!
Giorgio Milano
thanks for your comment. i made another comment on taverna toscana food on the other day:
Glad you (italian?) like it also.
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