Thursday, October 11, 2007

fiskalna smetka

"Fiskalna smetka" is an official receipt that you receive when you paid at restaurant, cafe, and shops. This is a way for Tax Revenue Office to collect correct amount of VAT from shops and restaurants or businesses by using this small machine that records all sales at the shop. If Tax Revenue Office finds out that the shop is not giving fiskalna smetka from the machine to customers (which means the shop is trying to cheat the amount of sales to reduce the tax amount to pay), they close the shop temporarily, putting yellow tapes like photo, as a penalty. Which is why all my places like Bastion and Nobu had been closed lately for a while. I think Fiskalna smetka is a very good initiative and want to encourage them for stronger implementation, but sometimes it is inconvenient such as when my places were penalized....


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