I had heard good reputation many times about this restaurant, but you do not know anything until you actually eat their food. Today it was a discovery indeed. Pastis serves very good original dishes and drinks with very cute, sophisticated manner. I guess it is French based (as the name indicates) Macedonian/ Italian fusion cuisine. But the most distinctive point is its collection of fruits drinks. It was the first time for me, in Macedonia, to be impressed really by a drink. The fruit (strawberry and orange) mixed milkshake that I had today is like the one you can have at the tea room in Tokyo like Sembikiya, which targets girls who have high disposal income and do not mind to spend much money for good desserts. Well, what can I say. The selection of the fruits, how they are mixed, and the way they are not too sweet; everything is perfect. You can not have this kind of delicate drink in NY (although, Pastis in the Meatpacking District near Chelsea is a good restaurant too.) I will be a regular customer to this Pastis as a Japanese girl who has high disposal income in Skopje. Why I had not tried there until this late.
Meat packing districtのPastis、懐かしい~。大好きなレストランのひおつやったわ。あそこは、味も良かったよね~。週末はいつ行っても混んでて、仕方なく道はさんだ何とかっていうKから始まるドイツっぽい名前の店に行くことが何度かあったけど、そっちはいまいちなんよねぇ。
Unfortunately, Pastis was closed in the end of summer 2006... Too bad, I can not have a strawberry smoothy anymore in Macedonia. I do not like the pizza place that opend at the same place after Pastis.
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