Friday, July 13, 2007

rolling stones in belgrade

It happens to be when I was in Belgrade was the one day before of the Rolling Stones' concert in Belgrade. It was a big thing in Balkan, I guess. It was a topic in Macedonia too. I felt it also when I was in Belgrade, because people talk about it all the time - like taxi drivers, and there were lots of securities everywhere. The photo shows the venue of the concert, of which field was specially made for this purpose, because the originally planned venue, a stadium, was disapproved by an animal rights NGO by saying the "noises" scare the horses that are held behind the stadium. Before, there was a hill and trees in that field. But, now it was flattened out and constructing the stage. The photo left is in the morning of Friday, and the right is late afternoon. Serbians were working really hard for Rolling Stones.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

神戸人です。有難うございます! 早速メール送らせて貰いました。関西人は厚かましくてすいません。今日16日は日本は海の日で祝日です。なので、1日ネットと本にかぶりついて、行程を練り直してました。ちょっと馬鹿かもです・・。