Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I was raising shiso (Japanese perilla; the green stuff you find on sushi plates usually. But not in Macedonia ;) this summer at home. It was quite successful and I was able to eat them almost every day. With soba, with soup, with tofu or with any kind. Tuna-shiso pasta, Japanese salad with shiso dressing, or whatever. Now, it just came to my mind an idea how to enjoy it more before the season is over. Since summer is over and shiso is also getting over, I have to implement this idea asap. I should bring this to Nobu and ask to roll with their sushi rolls. Customized sushi roll! a la japonka.



Anonymous said...

It is an excelent idea, but i'm not sure if the chef @ Nobu will allow that. It would be awesome if he did, though.

Anonymous said...

Anyways...where did you get this plant from? And what is the Macedonian expression for shiso (or shiso is international word for this plant) because i have never seen this kind of plant in Skopje :)

napomi said...

I brought seeds from japan. I am sure Nobu will make it for me. There is no strict sushi chef in Macedonia ;) And I am a very good customer there and there is a japanese lady who makes suhsi roll in the kitchen. I can even bribe them by giving some shiso for their share.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha true :)

Anonymous said...

Have you visited the club scene in Skopje? There are some nice, fancy looking clubs there.

napomi said...

I liked only Sector, although I did not go to many fancy clubs...

I do not cover about clubs in Skopje because taking pictures of clubs is a bit difficult... ;)

9/12/2007 8:39 PM

Anonymous said...

:))) I agree about the clubs. And how about the ZOO, any chance to go there?, I know is very poor looking compared to other countries but i guess now is too late because it is getting cold. Plus they are trying so hard to renovate the ZOO; repair what is broken, get more food for the animals, plant more trees and flowers and all other kinds of renovations. I do not remember but few months ago or last year, the people from the ZOO organized some kind of fundraiser, they have collected the money from the admissions and put them into renovations. A lot of people came and tried to save the ZOO.

Anonymous said...

I am interested in visiting THE Zoo. But so far have not had a chance. I think now is the good season because it does not smell much compered to when it is hot. ;p

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
