Thursday, March 30, 2006

dolce's palacinki

My favorite light meal shop, Dolce, has not only jacketpotatos, but good palacinkis. These are a red palacinki and a black palacinki. The red one is Dolce's special - salty type, which is with salami and cheese etc. And the black one is Dolce's special - sweet type, which is with cream, coconuts, raisins and sugar with cinnamon flavor. Both are good (and cute).


Monday, March 27, 2006

kanal 103 event

This weekend, there was an event of the local radio station, Kanal 103, for its 15 year celebration. There were series of performances from local musicians (plus British and Italian guest musicians). It was interesting to see how Macedonian music scene is like, and this Kanal 103 is the radio station that plays music I would listen, so all music at the event was quite satisfactory. And the group particularly I liked was "rabotam na sluchajot", a hip hop team of youngsters. Their rapping was like one of those J-POP hip hops, which sounds very "light", unlike USA's that expresses lots of anger and frustration (although, I heard this Macedonian kids are rhyming about war, which Japanese will never relate). Moreover, I found out Macedonian language is easy to rhyme because the end of each word of adjective, adverb and noun conjugate with cases and such in a consistant way, most of the time (I guess).


Sunday, March 26, 2006


"Simit-pogacha" is made from a burek and a bread. It is a sandwich of a burek, sort to say. Burek is like Balkan style pie, and a burek specially made for simit-pogacha, (which means a burek with no filling like meat or cheese) is put in bread to make an extra carbo food, "simit-pogacha". Why would Macedonian want to eat such high carbo stuff in a ordinary life. It is something like you would eat at a carbo loading party at a triathlon event. Well, it tastes good though, considering burek itself is a bit oily but the bread soothe the oily part. And of course you eat this with a good partner of doughy stuff = Macedonian yogurt (drinking yogurt). It seems this style of simit-pogacha is Skopje original. In Turkey, where people think simit-pogacha is originally came from, it is called "Skopska (Skopje's)" simit-pogacha.


Friday, March 24, 2006


Speaking of light meals, Trend serves also *internationally* light meals ;-)  It is a "lounge restaurant", next to a club with the same name, which makes the atmosphere there a bit cheesy, but they have decent foods and coffee. It is ok place to have a brunch. There is also open-air space, which is very important when it is warm and sunny.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006


There is a place called Dolce, which also serves palacinki, but the best menu here is this jacketpotato. I guess jakectpotato is like British food, so, I am introducing a non-Macedonian food of Skopje. Well, I could say it is European food, considering Macedonia is a part of Europe. Anyway, this stuff is really good as a light meal, which there is not many offered in Macedonia.


Monday, March 20, 2006

handball game in skopje

I usually do not watch any kind of sports in general. Even when I was in NY, where many Japanese usually go to watch baseball or basketball games as a tourist activity, I went only couple of times to Yankees as an obligation of NY resident to accommodate visitors. But in this weekend, I was recommended to go to watch a women's handball(!) game in Skopje, because women's handball is actually something a Macedonian team has a possibility to compete in the global level. And this game of the Macedonian team, Kometal Gjorche Petrov, to compete with a Spanish team was for the semi-final of European Women's Handball Champions League. A must-see game if you are happened to be in Skopje. Well, the result was actually not favorable to Macedonia, but as a tourist activity, I enjoyed much the atmosphere of the Macedonian cheers. And it is always fun to be in a crowd on the way to go to the venue, seeing excited people. One funny thing was the security at the entrance did not allow audiences to bring pens(!?) because they said it is dangerous if people throw pens to the court..... yes, of course. So, we needed to hide pens somewhere outside of the venue. But, my question was why people in Macedonia would throw pens... Well, then I understood the situation when I saw people actually throwing the lighters to the court after Macedonia lost.

NY4年もいながらマジソンスクエアガーデンには一度も行かなかったし、ヤンキースタジアムにも数えるほどしか行かなかった私は、スポーツ観戦はほとんどしない人だといえると思うのですが、今週末、スコピエでなんと女子ハンドボール(!)の試合を見に行ってきました。マケドニアの女子ハンドボールチームは、マケドニアでは数少ない、世界で戦えるレベルのチームだそうです。で、今回、ヨーロピアン選手権のセミファイナル出場 をかけてスペインと戦う試合だったので、マケドニア人の間でだいぶ盛り上がりを見せていて、マケドニアにいる数少ない日本人としてこの試合は見ておくべきだという勧めを受け、行って来ました。結果は、残念ながらマケドニアのセミファイナル出場は達成できなかったのですが、マケドニア人の応援ぶりとか興奮ぶりとか、十分楽しめました。特に、会場入り口で「ペン」を持ち込んじゃいけないと言われ、どこか外に隠さなきゃいけなくなるという事件が発生したりして。なんでペンを持ち込んじゃいけないかというと、大衆がコートにペンを投げ込んだら危険だから、だって。そりゃあ、たしかに危険だけど、ペンを投げるって、マケドニア人っていったい。。。。? ってカンジでした。そしたら、最後に負けが決まったときライター投げていた人を実際に見て、うーん納得。

Sunday, March 19, 2006


Oh my god, very cool place opened in my neighborhood. It is a jazz lounge with the very well designed interior, which creates very relaxing, cozy atmosphere. You can spend nice time here with good Macedonian wine and good conversations with good company. This one could be in the NY night scene like one of those in the meat packing district, and survive in the fierce competitions. Seeing from their good taste of creating the floor, I can expect the lineup of the guest jazz musicians would be good. We will see.


Friday, March 17, 2006


Speaking of interesting Macedonian words, there is a word originated from Japanese: "Rashomonijada". Obviously, it is taken from the famous Japanese classic novel "Rashoumon", of which movie was on-aired many times in Macedonian TVs so that the word "Rashoumon" became famous enough to form a new word among Macedonian intellectual class. "-ijada" is like a suffix to form a noun in Macedonian. The meaning of the "Rashomonijada" is the situation that is described differently by different people, so causes lots of confusions, as the movie does. Well, I do not remember the story of Rashoumon much, except the image of just dreadfully dark like hell, and I have never seen the film, so, I can not say much. Macedonian know Japanese things better than me, I guess..... It is impressive that Japanese stuff that I almost do not know can be referred by Macedonian in their newspapers.

面白いマケドニア語といえば、ひとつ、面白い日本語源の言葉があります。芥川龍之介の「羅生門」から派生している「ラショモニヤダ」。その昔、「羅生門」の映画がマケドニアのテレビで何度も何度も放映されていたようで、そのうちとうとうひとつのマケドニア語を形成してしまうくらい「羅生門」という言葉が有名になったようです。 "-ijada"という接尾辞は名詞を作るときに用いられるのですが、「羅生門」に"-ijada"をつけて、"Rashomonijada"(ラショモニヤダ) だって。どういう時に「ラショモニヤダ」と言うかというと、いろんな人がひとつの出来事をぜんぜん違うように説明するので、まったく訳がわかんないことになってしまっている状態、を言うらしい。そういわれてみて、「羅生門」ってそんな話だっけ、とか思ったりして。めっちゃ暗い話だったのは覚えているけど、肝心の中身は覚えていないかも。。。というか、マケドニア人の方が私よりもよく知っているってこと!?  いずれにせよ、ちっと面白い言葉。マケドニアの知識層に使われていて、新聞とかで「あの政治家がこんなこと言っていて、この政治家はこんなことを言っています。もうよくわかんないけど相当ラショモニヤダですね」みたいな使われ方をするらしい。うーん。なんというか、ここまで日本文化がマケドニアに根付いているって感動的ぢゃない?  ムラカミもそうなっていくのかなー。

Monday, March 13, 2006

macedonian class 2

This is the classroom of my Macedonian class. Now I have five classmates, all French speakers. Five French and one Japanese. So, what happens in that case in the class is that classmates tell each other a meaning of a word in French when the teacher introduces a new word. Being only one Japanese girl in the class, I have to ask again the meaning of the word in English. From positive thinking point of views, I can also learn French words at the same time in the Macedonian class (what a bonus ;-)
Anyway, I am enjoying the class. I do homework every time as a good student. It is always fun to learn new things.


Saturday, March 11, 2006


One of my favorite sweets in Macedonia is this: "palacinki"
(actually, it sounds funny in Japanese). It is translated as "pancake", but it is not like what Japanese or American think as pancake. It is more like French crepe. And palacinki is thicker and has more texture than crepes. There are sweet types like with banana & chocolate or orange liqueur & ice cream, and non-sweet types like with ham & cheese. It seems this is Eastern & Central European stuff, non-Turkish. You can eat palacinki at Pastis and Dal Met Fu in Skopje. It is good as a light meal.


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

mountains on the way to prilep

Just wanted to show how beautiful those mountains are in Macedonia. I think these views of mountains and valleys in Macedonia are very unique and beautiful. There are different shapes of mountains and valleys in each area of the country. I found the area close to Gevgelija (the border to Greek) has more steep, rocky mountains, whereas the area close to Prilep has more gently-sloping mountains with wider valley view. Both are beautiful. You might want to check out by visiting me here (or visiting the Thai restaurant ;-)


Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Prilep is situated among mountains in the south-central Macedonia. It has a history since Neolithic times. It was a beautiful day for drive.


Monday, March 06, 2006

thai restaurant in prilep

I had been told that there is a good Thai restaurant in Prilep, which is 1.5 hours drive away from Skopje, and well, we finally went there for lunch on Saturday. 1.5 hours by drive means in Macedonia, that you drive two thirds of the whole country ;-), whereas in Japan, it takes "only" 1.5 hours drive to get to nearby beach from Tokyo. Since this is only one Thai restaurant in Macedonia (and maybe in whole Balkans), I should be very grateful to have such a nice Asian restaurant near(?) Skopje. Food there is good as recommended by a Japanese who lives in Bangkok. It is real Thai food. The owner (who is the chef) is Thai, who graduated from a cooking school in the UK. I guess it serves better food than any of three Chinese restaurants in Skopje. I hope they will move to Skopje near future.... More Aisan food wanted.


Wednesday, March 01, 2006


"Promaja". I was told many times to shut the door or windows because it's "promaja". I asked what is "promaja", and most cases, there is no clear answer. So, I checked up a Macedonian-English dictionary, but again, no answer. No English word for it. From hearings to several people, it seems "promaja" is like the condition that wind goes through a room. So if a room has two windows by facing each other and both are open, it is "promaja". And this "promaja" causes headaches, shoulder tense and a cold. Nothing good comes out from it. Even it is so in summer, when air is warm. Really?
My apartment has two balconies in two sides, and I usually keep both doors open when it is a sunny, warm day, as a regular Japanese girl who favors the wind comes through in the room and freshens the air, which usually everybody in Japan does. And Macedonian auntie says it is promaja and shuts the door. Well, I have not had any headache, shoulder tense and a cold yet from keeping the doors or windows open in any country I have ever been. It is a funny custom in Macedonia. Well, usually old custom contains some wisdoms from ages ago, so maybe it is true. I should be more serious about promaja in Macedonia. Well, and maybe in Macedonia the air is very dry (and dusty), and maybe that is why promaja could cause shoulder tense..... ne znam ;-)

マケドニアには「プロマヤ」という言葉があります。「プロマヤ」だからドアを閉めて、って何度言われたことか。。。はじめて聞いたときにはいったい何のことかと思って、それなに? って何度か意味を聞いたのですが、いつも明快な答えはナシ。「プロマヤ」に相当する言葉が英語では存在しない模様。マケドニア・英語辞典にも載っていなかったし。