Tuesday, July 31, 2007

ohrid in summer

It was the first time for me to be in Ohrid during summer. Ohrid in summer is all about beaches. It was so crowded everywhere. Such condition is so called (by Japanese) "imo-arai (like washing potatoes in a sink)" state. For a girl who only goes to a private beach of a luxurious resort in a tropical island, it was a quite experience. It reminded me beaches in the Miura peninsula in summer.


Thursday, July 26, 2007

tursko kafe

Now, the state of emergency was lifted as of yesterday, my working hours are back to normal so as the air temperature. Good. It is really hard for me to get up early in the morning. It increases the amount of my coffee consumption a day. Usually in Macedonia, the style of coffee is turkish coffee. If you go to a fancy place like Lezet, you will be served by this kind of cute turkish coffee set.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007


My favorite Cafe Ljubov is a sister cafe of my favorite restaurant Poveke Ljubov (although it is closed now for a while). Since it is more than 40C outside lately, it is better to have a coffee inside. Ljubov has a nice taste of interior decoration; chic, relaxing, and cozy. And it plays nice taste of music; jazzy, mostly. The location is a bit hideaway, which is also what I like about.


Friday, July 20, 2007

state of emergency

Because of the heatwave and occasional fires from the heat, Macedonia Government declared "State of Emergency." It is expected to reach 44C in this weekend. Ooooooh. What is different from ordinary life under the "state of emergency"? Well, first of all, the office hour is different. You can go home at 1pm. Nice. But you have to start from 7am ;-P Eeeh. What else. It is said: Better to drink more water. Better to avoid going out in the middle of the day. Of course. Better to avoid the public transportation because it is uncomfortable. True. And, maybe better to have a sunshade umbrella if you need to go out (according to my suggestion). I saw one Macedonian lady today with an umbrella. Why not, there is a practical reason.


Monday, July 16, 2007

georgi sarevski

Georgi Sarevski is a young Macedonian Jazz guitarist. There was his concert as a part of the Skopje Summer Festival. I do not know anything about how to play a guitar, but I can tell the way he plays a guitar is very unique and creative, and I like it.


Saturday, July 14, 2007

beer festival in prilep

There was a beer festival in Prilep. Went there to check out. It seems it is a big thing for Prilep every year. This year it is said 400,000 people came for this 2 days event. Out of 2 million population of Macedonia, 20% came. Sounds big. The main street was closed about 500m, and there were bunch of similar stalls selling similar skara (Macedonian grills) and beers (Skopsko and Dab, both are Macedonian beer). Well, from a Japanese point of view, it was like a street fair in front of a neighborhood shrine.


Friday, July 13, 2007

rolling stones in belgrade

It happens to be when I was in Belgrade was the one day before of the Rolling Stones' concert in Belgrade. It was a big thing in Balkan, I guess. It was a topic in Macedonia too. I felt it also when I was in Belgrade, because people talk about it all the time - like taxi drivers, and there were lots of securities everywhere. The photo shows the venue of the concert, of which field was specially made for this purpose, because the originally planned venue, a stadium, was disapproved by an animal rights NGO by saying the "noises" scare the horses that are held behind the stadium. Before, there was a hill and trees in that field. But, now it was flattened out and constructing the stage. The photo left is in the morning of Friday, and the right is late afternoon. Serbians were working really hard for Rolling Stones.


Saturday, July 07, 2007

frutti di mare

If you want to eat sea fish in Skopje, where is no ocean in the country, Frutti di Mare is the choice. It offers somehow fresh fish from the sea and cooks it with a simple way, which fits to Japanese taste. Squid ink risotto is also good there.


Wednesday, July 04, 2007

yellow leaves already

I am sorry for talking about weather all the time lately, but now leaves of linden trees are turning into yellow, which usually happen in the end of summer. Maybe does it mean stronger UV than last year ? and/or because of the heat from African wind, or what not. Good, I am using a sunshade umbrella everyday, anyway. And I have seen there are more people wearing a hat than last year. Does it now Macedonian's awareness towards UV become increased? or just a fashion. Either way, I would still continue to propose to use a sunshade umbrella as a part of summer fashion.

天気の話ばっかりで恐縮ですが、ここにきて、いつもは夏の終わりに黄色くなる菩提樹の葉っぱも、もう黄色くなり始めています。え、それってやっぱあのアフリカの熱風のせいかしら。それとも紫外線が例年より強いのか?  あの40度の天気以降、すっかり最近はずっと日傘をさしているのでべつにいいんですけどね。なんかそういえば、気のせいか、今年は去年よりも帽子をかぶっている人が多いような気もする。ようやくマケドニア人の紫外線に対する認識もあがってきたか。か、ただのファッションか。でもやっぱみなさん、日傘ですよ、夏のファッションとして。来年こそは誰かマケドニア人が日傘さしているのを見かけたいですね。