Saturday, September 30, 2006


Amigo's is a newly (July-ish) opened "Mexican" cafe on the Macedonian Street. It serves Mexican food and several kinds of margarita and daiquiri, which is rare in Skopje. It has even Mexican beer like Corona or Sol! Since I am not much of a cocktail drinker, I do not appreciate the value of having margarita there much, but still, it is nice to have a choice to go for the sake of variety. Next time, I want to try their food.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Apce is known as the best "Boza" shop in Skopje. (Wiki→Boza)
Although I made a comment about the boza some time ago, after trying it a couple of times, I feel more comfortable having boza as my choice of drinks. It seems matter of getting used to (as so with other many things). And I even feel boza is a "refreshing" drink and I feel even understanding the meaning of a Macedonian's comment that it is a kind of drink you would miss while after leaving Macedonia. It has some unique taste that gets people addicted. Now I say, boza tastes ok. Whether I will miss it or not, we will see.
In Apce, there are not only boza but also some local sweets available as a bakery, like Indianka in the photo. It is made with sponge cake and cream. It is a simple dessert but good match with boza.


Saturday, September 23, 2006

macedonian class

My Macedonian study is still on going. Although MacSlavic Language Center moved to Taftalice, which area is about 15min taxi ride away. If it is in Tokyo, 15min taxi ride sounds very close, like from Shibuya to Nishiazabu, but in Skopje, man, it is FAR, especially for the person whose office is just 10min away by "walk". So, every Monday and Wednesday, I have to commute to the class. It used to be 1 min walk from my apartment. It was in the center of the city. If they want to market foreigners as main targets, they should have kept the office there. But lately, seemingly, they gave up targeting foreigners who wants to learn Macedonian. Their marketing strategy now shifts to more focus on Macedonian who wants to learn other Slavic language like Slovenian, Polish and Russian etc. So, they moved to the place like general Macedonian live. Which is the right choice I guess. So, after 6 months, it proves what I questioned in March about targeting foreigners market was not quite off the point....

私の今期のマケドニア語のクラスも始まり、相変わらずスローですが少しずつ進歩してます。ひとつ変わったことは、いままでは家から歩いて1分だった「MacSlavic Language Center」が、タクシーで15分もかかるタフタリチェというところに引っ越しちゃったんですよねえ。東京だったらタクシーで15分なんてぜんぜん近いところでしょうが、スコピエでタクシーで15分って、遠いですよ、めっちゃ。なんせ私のオフィスへの通勤は「歩いて」10分ですから。ということで、タフタリチェまで月曜日と水曜日はちょっと遠出してクラスに通ってます。なんで引っ越しちゃったのか。マケドニア語を学びたい外国人をターゲットとするなら街の中心にあったいままでの場所をキープすべきだったんでしょうけど、どうもやっぱり私が3月に疑問に感じたとおり、マケドニア語を学びたい外国人マーケットは非常に小さかったのでしょう。いまやスラブ系言語(スロベニア語とかロシア語とか)を学びたいマケドニア人をメインターゲットとしてマーケティングをしているようです。なので、タフタリチェのような一般の普通のマケドニア人が住む地域に引っ越したというのは、正しい選択なのでしょう。

Thursday, September 21, 2006

chief conductor of macedonian national opera

Mr. Toshio Yanagisawa is a chief conductor at the Macedonian National Opera. There was an Opera Gala concert led by him the other day in Skopje as an opening of the season. "Japanese chief conductor at the Macedonian National Opera" - sounds interesting, neli? as much as a Japanese girl who works at Macedonian Government. Mr. Toshio Yanagisawa started his career as the chief conductor at the Macedonian National Opera in October, 2005. This year will be his second season. He has led so far Verdi's La Traviata, Nabucco; Puccini's Tosca, Madama Butterfly; and Bizet's Carmen, etc. He will lead the Istanbul National Opera as a guest conductor in October. As one of few Japanese in Macedonia, wish his best.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

fanta shokata

After one year in Macedonia, it becomes a bit difficult to find interesting stuff or make new discovery. Hence, less topics for my blog (as you can see from less frequency of my blog update lately.) But, this Fanta "Shokata" flavor is a discovery. It's elderflower flavor. Elderflower has been becoming very popular in Japan in these few years as a herb that strengthens one's immune system and prevent one to catch a cold. Also it could be medicine for hay fever and other allergy kinds. It has muscat scent and very subtle sour taste. Very refreshing herb when having as tea. And this Fanta Elderflower flavor is also refreshing. Muscat scent and subtle sour taste with fizz. Mmm. It will be my boom for a while. Fanta Grape is a unique flavor to Japan (or Asia Pacific?) and I guess this Fanta Shokata is unique to Europe (or Balkan?) According to Wiki, the hint came from a Romanian drink.


Sunday, September 17, 2006


Vienna weekend for Japanese grocery shopping and other errands. It was beautiful weather on Sunday.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

mekici party for hisahito

In Macedonia, when someone delivered a baby, the mekici party is thrown by her family. Well, it is said "party", but it is more like just a gathering occasion to eat "mekici" (and drink yogurt, of course) and to wish the baby's healthy and happy life. Mekici is like a flat fried dough. Tastes like fried dough; in Japanese, more like "agepan" without sugar. Today, there was a mekici party at the japonska consulate office in Skopje for the baby born in the emperor's family lately. The cut-out from the newspaper on the box says "Skopje mekici for the Japanese prince." Fala.


Sunday, September 10, 2006


For a weekend trip, Budapest.


Thursday, September 07, 2006

another englishmen in macedonia

Another Englishmen were here today. Pet Shop Boys (oooh, my youth) had a free live concert at the Macedonian Square, sponsored by T-mobile. Since it was free, the Macedonia Square became overflowed by people. It was like a large crowd of the Sumidagawa Hanabi event in Tokyo. Compared to this, yesterday's crowd for football was nothing.

なーんか英国人づいているマケドニア。今日はペットショップボーイズ(なつかし!)のフリーコンサートがマケドニア広場でありました。さすがタダだけあってマケドニア広場には人があふれかえりました。昨日のサッカーなんてぜんぜん甘い! スコピエ中の人が来ているんじゃないかと思うくらい、いっぱい人が来てました。隅田川の花火大会かと思っちゃうくらい。

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

football game

...and the result of the game was disappointing to Macedonia. But it is ok, everybody enjoyed the event, I guess. And for those who could not get the tickets, there was a big screen in the Macedonian Square and people were watching the game there.


englishmen in macedonia

Like 3-4,000 of English are in Skopje for these 3 days. There is a football game of Macedonia-England today. Those English fan came to Skopje by a chartered flight. Even England police (!!) are in the house (see the hat on the photo left). Those people are hanging out drunk in Skopje during the day at cafe or everywhere in the town. You hear lots of British accent conversation everywhere thesedays. I guess the economic effect of this event is huge.

ここ2-3日、街のいたるところでブリテッシュアクセントの英語が聞こえてきます。今日はマケドニア-イングランドのサッカーの試合があって、街中大盛り上がり。3-4000人のイギリス人が飛行機をチャーターしてスコピエにやってきているらしい。なんとイングランド警察まで!! (左の写真の帽子の警察官たち)  この3-4000人のイギリス人たちが平日昼真っから街とかカフェとかでぷらぷらしているので、なんだかそこら中にぎやかです。急になんか景気がいい感じ。経済的効果も大きいんじゃないでしょうか。