Sunday, December 24, 2006

see you in new year

Will be out on vacation. See you in next year. Maybe there will be some update from Egypt.


Saturday, December 23, 2006

coffee to go

This is actually a big news. Because there have been only 2 or 3 places to serve the take-out coffee in Skopje such as Broz cafe. But now, look, this former Bastion 2 cafe on the Macedonian Street servers take-out coffee loudly by using flyers and stuff. It may be a cool challenge to create new culture of take-out coffee, which has not been much in Macedonia for some reason. We will see. I would buy it as a girl in the generation Starbucks .


Thursday, December 21, 2006

xmas promotions?

There is still no Xmas tree in the Macedonian Square, seems still working on the construction right now, but the festive mood is on. Some commercial booths are set on the Macedonian Street. The live radio booth is like the one you can find in Shibuya. It seems to me the whole event itself is much more prospering than last year. Better economic situation?!


Monday, December 18, 2006

macedonian haiku

This is a Haiku (Japanese style of poetry) book by a famous Macedonian poet. The title is "water, earth, fire and wind". Sounds haiku materials. Inside, there are original Haiku poems written in Macedonian. Although I do not know what they are saying, but at least I can tell it is Haiku style, 5-7-5 kind. Impressive. Even I, as a Japanese, can not do Haiku, but there is a Macedonian who can do it. Gorgeous.


Sunday, December 17, 2006

guns are not allowed

Not only guns, but also dogs and cigarettes are not allowed in this building. Well, it is not a joke, I guess. You see this kind of "no guns" signs many places in Macedonia. It is said there are 80,000 and 120,000 items of illegal weaponry in Macedonia, such as Kalashnikov automatic rifles, machine guns, bombs and grenades.... well, it sounds like a post-conflict country. Many of those weapons have remained uncollected despite few time efforts of international organizations. It is also a part of realities in Macedonia.


Thursday, December 14, 2006

x'mas in bastion

Because Christmas in Macedonia is 2 weeks later than Japanese fake Christmas due to Orthodox calendar, the Xmas decoration in the town starts also kind of later than Japan or Philippines or NY. Finally, lately, cafe and restaurants start the decoration, so as at my cafe, Bastion. This weekend, there will be a big Xmas tree will be set at the Macedonian Square. It starts usually from St. Nikola's birthday of the Orthodox calendar.


Monday, December 11, 2006

leb i sol

Leb i Sol is the most powerful and influential Jazz Rock band in Macedonia, or in the former Yugoslav countries. It started in 1970's and broke up in 1995. For its 30th Years Anniversary Tour, Leb i Sol has been reunited since this summer. We were trying to be at the first concert of the tour in Bitola in July, and the second in Ohrid in August, but the things did not allow us to do so for both occasions. Finally, in this weekend, Leb i Sol came to Skopje. I knew I would like their music since it is "Jazz" Rock kind. The concert was awesome! Far more than expected. Very powerful play. The very speedy guitar work reminded me Steely Dan. I liked the drum play too. It makes their music jazzy, I guess. Leb i Sol's music are mostly instrumental, but some are with vocals, and those vocal songs remind me my favorite Japanese Jazz Rock band, "Original Love". Either way, it is cool. The live lasted for 3 hours with more than 3 times encores. Got the new CD and DVD. Satisfied (^ ^).  (Leb = Bread, i = and, Sol = Salt)

Leb i Sol(レブ・イ・ソル。「パンと塩」という意味)はマケドニアで、いやたぶん旧ユーゴスラヴィア諸国の中でもっともパワフルなジャズロックバンドでしょう。70年代に結成され1995年に解散。今年、30周年記念ツアーのために、再結成されました。ツアーは夏のビトラでのライブをキックオフに、オフリド、ザグレブ、ベオグラード、リュブリヤナなどを半年かけて巡るものなのですが、ようやく今週末やってきました、スコピエに。ホントは夏のビトラとオフリドの野外ライブに参加しようとしていたのですが、雨が降って延期になったとか、夏休みとかいろいろあって、結局今回まで縁がありませんでした。いやあ、でも今回行けてよかった。めっちゃかっこよかったですよ、Leb i Sol。スティーリーダンを彷彿とさせるギターワークとか、めちゃめちゃスピーディーで息をつかせない。またドラムもすごかった。彼のドラムが彼らの音楽をJazzyにしているという話も。Leb i Solのほとんどの曲がインストルメンタルですが、いくつかボーカルの入ってるのもあります。ボーカル曲は、私の好きなオリジナル・ラブの曲みたいにこりゃまた渋い。3回以上のアンコールとかもあって、結局3時間立ちっぱなしのライブでした(ていうか、もともと立ち席しかないんですけどね)。観客もバンドもノリノリでめっちゃ熱かった。CDDVD、買っちゃいました。
こんな説明ありました →

Saturday, December 09, 2006

magor book cafe

One of the book publishers in Macedonia, Magor, has a book cafe, selling books and serving coffee. Sometimes, There is a live music night at Magor book cafe; yesterday, a Macedonian jazzman,Toni Kitanovski played. This form of book selling place is very common in Macedonia. Since there is no wholesale book distribution system, although there are some middlemen, some publishers prefer to have media to sell published books by their own. Direct marketing, taka. Sometimes, publishers cooperate each other, like in Magor book cafe, you can find also books of Tri, which is another publisher who has a book cafe. Tri publishes Murakami's books in Macedonian, by the way.


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

winter scene in skopje

In the Macedonian Square, the chestnuts stands open in winter. Roasting chestnuts makes nice smell around. Unlike Japanese sweet roasted chestnuts (Amaguri), this ones taste simple. Natural, in other words. I like this taste too.


Saturday, December 02, 2006


Opened in this summer, Krug has been becoming my favorite cafe. I like its cozy space with natural light and music, the jazzy kind (of course). There is even a live jazz band at Friday night. Funny thing is, in its cozy space, some work of Gregory Colbert is featured. I am not sure it is legally adopted, but it is ok, I like the concept. Gregory Colbert is one of my favorite artists, whose exhibition in NY, 2005, "Ashes and Snow" at the nomadic museum created by Shigeru Ban, was breathtakingly beautiful. I was lucky to be in NY at that time.

最近お気に入りになりつつあるカフェ「クルグ」、もちろん音楽はJazzyなヤツがかかってます。照明を落として自然光を使ったカフェの空間がまたいい感じなんですけど、なんとカベにグレゴリー・コルベールの作品が。これって合法的なフィーチャーだとはとっても思えないけど、まあ、美しいので許しましょう、って感じ。グレゴリー・コルベールは私の好きなアーティストの一人で、彼のNYでのエキシビション 「Ashes and Snow」は本当に素晴らしかった。日本にも来春に行くらしいので、ぜひお勧めです。