Another gourmet news. This rerstaurant, Lira, is a so-called "national restaurant" located in quiet neighborhood, where a bit away from the center and near a city park. It serves good Macedonian dishes in very cosy and beautiful settings. Lighting, decoration, foods and music, all check points earned high scores of mine. It has garden seats, which I am sure are beautiful in an evening of Mediterranean summer.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
indian restaurant - bombay
Although there is no Japanese restaurant in Skopje, but there are other kinds of Asian food restaurants - Chinese and Indian. So far, I enjoy Macedonian food, but it is nice to have a variety of tastes. I am glad about having Indian restaurant particularly, because it is not a kind that I can cook.
And the food at this restaurant Bombay is as good as the Indian restaurant at 121 st on Amsterdam Ave in NY.
お味の方は、、、、コロンビアの近くで勉強の合間によく行った121 st -Amsterdam Ave.のインドレストランと同じくらいかな。
And the food at this restaurant Bombay is as good as the Indian restaurant at 121 st on Amsterdam Ave in NY.
お味の方は、、、、コロンビアの近くで勉強の合間によく行った121 st -Amsterdam Ave.のインドレストランと同じくらいかな。
Monday, September 26, 2005
rental DVD/video business in skopje
Not all rental shops look like this, but this is the place I go to get the rental DVDs in my neighborhood. It looks a legitimate business, right?
The rental price is really cheap in Macedonia as much as it had cinema business gone a decline. How cheap? Well, I paid 80 Dinars for a movie, which is about 1.5 dollars. In NY, it usually costs 3-4 bucks. I heard at other place in Skopje it is even cheaper like 40 Dinars.
Why is it so cheap? Well, it is because those DVDs are pirated. I was surprised when I saw a DVD of which title was written with a pen at the first time.
Well, as Macedonia is already a WTO-member country since 2003, this lucrative business will not last so long. It should not, if Macedonia wants to join the EU seriously. (Although I still need to rent those DVDs until the day comes. Sorry.)
これはうちのご近所のお店なんですけど、まっとうなレンタル屋さんに見えるでしょ? こんなちゃんとしたお店持って。
The rental price is really cheap in Macedonia as much as it had cinema business gone a decline. How cheap? Well, I paid 80 Dinars for a movie, which is about 1.5 dollars. In NY, it usually costs 3-4 bucks. I heard at other place in Skopje it is even cheaper like 40 Dinars.
Why is it so cheap? Well, it is because those DVDs are pirated. I was surprised when I saw a DVD of which title was written with a pen at the first time.
Well, as Macedonia is already a WTO-member country since 2003, this lucrative business will not last so long. It should not, if Macedonia wants to join the EU seriously. (Although I still need to rent those DVDs until the day comes. Sorry.)
これはうちのご近所のお店なんですけど、まっとうなレンタル屋さんに見えるでしょ? こんなちゃんとしたお店持って。
Saturday, September 24, 2005
a cinema in skopje
Well, I do not know whether movies are big entertainment for Macedonian or not (maybe yes), but here is a movie theater in Skopje. There are few theaters exist in Skopje and most of them look like this (except Ramstore's, which is coming soon). I guess because the rental video/ DVD is much cheaper here, not many people go to a cinema so often. I have not been inside it yet either. I can not go by myself. I need guts a bit.
To introduce details of the photo, the name of "Manaki" shown in the right side is taken from the first cinema writer in Balkan.
What I like the most in this is that there is a sign saying "Cinema Paradiso." No wonder it is not "New"....
To introduce details of the photo, the name of "Manaki" shown in the right side is taken from the first cinema writer in Balkan.
What I like the most in this is that there is a sign saying "Cinema Paradiso." No wonder it is not "New"....
Friday, September 23, 2005
aloha stadium in macedonia
Here is the place that I bought the microwave. It is under the stadium, which is not shown here well, but a very magnificent structure. The feeling of being there was something like as in the Aloha stadium in Hawaii.
You need a car to get here. See, something tells me I should have a car to find fun stuff....
You need a car to get here. See, something tells me I should have a car to find fun stuff....
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
microwave has come
As you may know, for a spoiled Japanese girl, a microwave and a rice cooker are very important items for her comfortable life.
I had not been able to have a microwave at home for a month, although I needed. It was just because I do not have enough muscles to carry this heavy stuff to home from a store. Who would expect such a convenient service like "delivery" in the country that just came out from the Socialism a decade ++ years ago.
Well, to be accurate, there is a delivery service for a refrigerator. And, I tried once to negotiate with a store manager to deliver a microwave for me with extra fee if they have a truck for a refrigerator. Then, as you can expect in the former socialist country, the answer was "ne." Where is the marketing mind?
But, today, thanks to friends with muscles, finally I got this microwave at home. Now I feel better. So, what is left is a rice cooker. It is the challenging one.
炊飯器は前述の通りこの国に存在していないからしょうがないんだけど、電子レンジはお店に売っているのにも関わらず買えていなかったんです。 それはただ単に、電子レンジって重いから、か弱い女の子には運べなかったんですよ、お店から家まで。
買った商品をなんでも配達してくれる日本のデパートのような便利なサービスは、社会主義から脱出してまだ10数年の国にはもちろんないんですよ。でも冷蔵庫は配達しているらしかったので、ちょっとついでに運んでくれないかしら(もちろん多少手数料はお支払いさせていただくわよ) って交渉してみたことがあるんですけど、それもそんな親切なサービス、元社会主義の人たちがちょっと融通利かして、なんてしてくれるわけがなかったのだ、ということがありました。もうちょっと商売っ気あってもいいんじゃんか。
I had not been able to have a microwave at home for a month, although I needed. It was just because I do not have enough muscles to carry this heavy stuff to home from a store. Who would expect such a convenient service like "delivery" in the country that just came out from the Socialism a decade ++ years ago.
Well, to be accurate, there is a delivery service for a refrigerator. And, I tried once to negotiate with a store manager to deliver a microwave for me with extra fee if they have a truck for a refrigerator. Then, as you can expect in the former socialist country, the answer was "ne." Where is the marketing mind?
But, today, thanks to friends with muscles, finally I got this microwave at home. Now I feel better. So, what is left is a rice cooker. It is the challenging one.
炊飯器は前述の通りこの国に存在していないからしょうがないんだけど、電子レンジはお店に売っているのにも関わらず買えていなかったんです。 それはただ単に、電子レンジって重いから、か弱い女の子には運べなかったんですよ、お店から家まで。
買った商品をなんでも配達してくれる日本のデパートのような便利なサービスは、社会主義から脱出してまだ10数年の国にはもちろんないんですよ。でも冷蔵庫は配達しているらしかったので、ちょっとついでに運んでくれないかしら(もちろん多少手数料はお支払いさせていただくわよ) って交渉してみたことがあるんですけど、それもそんな親切なサービス、元社会主義の人たちがちょっと融通利かして、なんてしてくれるわけがなかったのだ、ということがありました。もうちょっと商売っ気あってもいいんじゃんか。
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Speaking of Balkan drinks, there is this Cockta. It is originally from Former Yugoslavian days; well, actually, more precisely, the trademark was registered in Slovenia in 1953, according to this nicely designed website that has enough impact to memorize the brand name, package and the character-
And now you see this Cockta everywhere in Macedonia.
It tastes like Vanilla Coke or Cherry Coke or Dr. Pepper, you know, whatever people who have particular taste would like. Try it when you are here. I am not the one of those particulars, although I can be understanding.
ネーミングはなんと「カクテルCocktailからとったコクタ」(笑)だそうです。 どうかね、イサムくん、コピーライター的にはこのネーミング。
お味は、いわゆるバニラコークとかチェリーコークとかドクターペッパーとか、ああいうカンジ。好きな人は好きですよねぇ。まあ私はちょっとあれですけど。 まあ、ぜひバルカンにいらしたらトライしてみてください。
And now you see this Cockta everywhere in Macedonia.
It tastes like Vanilla Coke or Cherry Coke or Dr. Pepper, you know, whatever people who have particular taste would like. Try it when you are here. I am not the one of those particulars, although I can be understanding.
ネーミングはなんと「カクテルCocktailからとったコクタ」(笑)だそうです。 どうかね、イサムくん、コピーライター的にはこのネーミング。
お味は、いわゆるバニラコークとかチェリーコークとかドクターペッパーとか、ああいうカンジ。好きな人は好きですよねぇ。まあ私はちょっとあれですけど。 まあ、ぜひバルカンにいらしたらトライしてみてください。
Sunday, September 18, 2005
If you have been around the world a bit, you may have noticed how the work of the marketing giants like Nescafe, Coca-cola and P&G is amazing. You see their brand name everywhere. In some part of the world, Nescafe is a general noun for coffee.
Here in Macedonia, coffee is not equal to Nescafe, but if you order Nescafe at a cafe (at least at my office cafe), you will have this drink: some creamy ice milk coffee. How to make this: take one spoon of Nescafe and one spoon of sugar, add less than half a glass of water, whip up by a eggbeater machine. It is amazing how creamy it becomes by this machine. And add some milk, then it is ready. It tastes just Nescafe with milk, but it has soft and pleasant creamy touch when you drink. It is a discovery to me.
Here in Macedonia, coffee is not equal to Nescafe, but if you order Nescafe at a cafe (at least at my office cafe), you will have this drink: some creamy ice milk coffee. How to make this: take one spoon of Nescafe and one spoon of sugar, add less than half a glass of water, whip up by a eggbeater machine. It is amazing how creamy it becomes by this machine. And add some milk, then it is ready. It tastes just Nescafe with milk, but it has soft and pleasant creamy touch when you drink. It is a discovery to me.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
As you may know, there is a dispute over the name of the country, "Republic of Macedonia," between Greece and Macedonia. And because of that, Macedonia's current internationally called name is Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM).
Macedonian hates it.
(For more info, check:
Looks like FYROM is a "F" word in Macedonia.
This sticker was used in an NGO's campaign, which was triggered by an internal directive order in the Council of Europe that mandates its staff to use the name of FYROM in the official documents in 2004. It seems that millions of the stickers were sent to the office of the director who signed the order.
マケドニアの憲法上の正式国名はマケドニア共和国。でも国連等国際機関が国として認めている名前は「マケドニア旧ユーゴスラビア共和国(Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 略してFYROM) 」。
マケドニア人は、自分の国をFYROMと呼ばれるのが大嫌い (それが原因で国際交渉も進まないことがあるんですよねー)。
Macedonian hates it.
(For more info, check:
Looks like FYROM is a "F" word in Macedonia.
This sticker was used in an NGO's campaign, which was triggered by an internal directive order in the Council of Europe that mandates its staff to use the name of FYROM in the official documents in 2004. It seems that millions of the stickers were sent to the office of the director who signed the order.
マケドニアの憲法上の正式国名はマケドニア共和国。でも国連等国際機関が国として認めている名前は「マケドニア旧ユーゴスラビア共和国(Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 略してFYROM) 」。
マケドニア人は、自分の国をFYROMと呼ばれるのが大嫌い (それが原因で国際交渉も進まないことがあるんですよねー)。
Thursday, September 15, 2005
autumn in mecedonia 2
..... and these are the preserved foods for winter!
From left, aivar, apricot compote, plum compote and plum jam. All are homemade. To cook like these is the event of autumn in Macedonia (I guess). You know that fruits or vegetables are the best in their seasons. Now is the time. Cook them when they are fresh.
And according to my friend who gave me these homemade sweets and aivar, when you have guests, you welcome them with these homemade sweets and tea. It shows your warm hospitality, like "welcome to our sweet home." So, if you visit me in Macedonia in this winter, you will be welcome with these sweets, which are incredibly yummy.
これをくれた友人によると、家にお客さんを迎えるときに、こういう甘いものでおもてなしをするのだそう。 "welcome to our sweet home" ということらしいです。
From left, aivar, apricot compote, plum compote and plum jam. All are homemade. To cook like these is the event of autumn in Macedonia (I guess). You know that fruits or vegetables are the best in their seasons. Now is the time. Cook them when they are fresh.
And according to my friend who gave me these homemade sweets and aivar, when you have guests, you welcome them with these homemade sweets and tea. It shows your warm hospitality, like "welcome to our sweet home." So, if you visit me in Macedonia in this winter, you will be welcome with these sweets, which are incredibly yummy.
これをくれた友人によると、家にお客さんを迎えるときに、こういう甘いものでおもてなしをするのだそう。 "welcome to our sweet home" ということらしいです。
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
autumn in macedonia?
It is like an annual event, I guess, for Macedonian to start to prepare for winter (although it is still nice mediterranean summer everyday). This huge pan, 53cm in diameter, is to cook "Aivar" from paprika. Aivar is paprika paste with garlic and olive oil. They make this jam-like paste from bunches of paprika filling this huge pan and final outcome is only a bottle. It tastes slightly sweet, I guess it is natural sweetness from ripen paprika, and it goes well with salad, pasta and bread.
I found this group of surprisingly huge pans at my Ramstore one day, and this spectacular view was funny for me, but I guess for Macedonian, it is like an event to feel the turning of the seasons as Japanese feel when we see samma (saury fish) at a supermarket.
I found this group of surprisingly huge pans at my Ramstore one day, and this spectacular view was funny for me, but I guess for Macedonian, it is like an event to feel the turning of the seasons as Japanese feel when we see samma (saury fish) at a supermarket.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
burek at Vegera
Usually, our office hour is from 8am to 4pm. There is a short break during the office hour. Many people eat lunch after work, which means after 4pm. But for a typical Japanese stomach, lunch after 4pm is too tough. So, I eat lunch during the short break. A common short break food for Macedonian is this "burek" and yogurt, which is enough as a lunch for me. Burek is like a pie. There are kinds of meat, ham and cheese, cheese and spinach etc.
And the burek at this restaurant "Vegera" in my neighborhood is really good; tasty, crispy and fresh. Not oily at all, which sometimes is the case in other place. And of course, yogurt, which is for drink. I like Macedonian yogurt. It is not sweet at all and not too sour, and very smoothy to drink.
そして、このご近所レストラン「べゲラ」のブレックはダントツにうまい。他の店みたいにぜんぜん油っこくないし、なんせお隣で焼いているのでフレッシュ。けっこうボリュームたっぷりでも飽きずに最後まで食べられます。 そして、私のお気に入りのマケドニアの飲むヨーグルト。甘くなくて、酸っぱすぎない。スムーズなのどごし。ベリーナイス。 。
Monday, September 12, 2005
another unique shape
See, there is another unique one. This is a post office. I do not understand why they need to build a post office like this. But anyway, that is old Yugoslavian style, I guess. It seems that fellow Columbian architects would love it, since I heard that they are encouraged not to use straight lines when they draw a plan.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
church nearby
I said that there are few cute buildings in Skopje, but there are some unique buildings from old Yugoslavian days.
This is one of them. It is a cathedral built in 1990. I have not been inside so I can not make a comment if it is worth to visit. Either way, since it is on my way to the office, I pass by this place every morning and I will tell you when I stop by.
This is one of them. It is a cathedral built in 1990. I have not been inside so I can not make a comment if it is worth to visit. Either way, since it is on my way to the office, I pass by this place every morning and I will tell you when I stop by.
Friday, September 09, 2005
old railway station
This could be another sightseeing point, the old railway station, which was destroyed by an earthquake in 1963. It is now the City Museum of Skopje that displays things excavated in Skopje. I have not been in the Museum, so, I can not tell if it is good or not. I will tell you when I visit them. Either way, this old station is near my Ram Store. So, I have lots of chance to explore the Museum.
The clock of the station shows the exact time when the earthquake occurred, which was about 5:20 in the morning. Everybody was still sleeping. It destroyed whole city of Skopje and about 3000 people died. That is why there are few cute buildings in Skopje. Most of the old buildings were totally destroyed by the earthquake. And this famous Japanese architect, Kenzo Tange, helped Skopje to redesign the city.
The clock of the station shows the exact time when the earthquake occurred, which was about 5:20 in the morning. Everybody was still sleeping. It destroyed whole city of Skopje and about 3000 people died. That is why there are few cute buildings in Skopje. Most of the old buildings were totally destroyed by the earthquake. And this famous Japanese architect, Kenzo Tange, helped Skopje to redesign the city.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
my boxes have arrived!
My boxes have arrived today.
Finally I have everything.
My long weekend will be work, work, work, of unpacking.
The guy from a shipping agent in Skopje, who helped me for custom clearance and transportation, was very professional (and charming ;-). I am very impressed with him. You know how hard it is usually to impress a Japanese girl in terms of 'service'.
Finally I have everything.
My long weekend will be work, work, work, of unpacking.
The guy from a shipping agent in Skopje, who helped me for custom clearance and transportation, was very professional (and charming ;-). I am very impressed with him. You know how hard it is usually to impress a Japanese girl in terms of 'service'.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
my after work activity
So, what do you do as a resident in Skopje?
Well, what I have been doing everyday so far for these days is grocery shopping. Here is Ram Store, a Turkish owned shopping mall opened in June, in which there is a large supermarket for me.
I am trying to settle myself at my new apartment since last week. To start new life, especially for comfortable life, you need to buy small things from scratch, such as tissue papers, toilet papers, kitchen papers, detergent, a laundry bag, cute garbage cans for my bed room, bath room, living room and study room, salt and pepper, soy sauce, olive oil, rice(of course), flour, knives, and so on.... like basic stuff, you know.
Ram Store has all. But I can not carry all these things at one time, so, I go there everyday after work and buy things as much as I can carry at one time. With those my hard work, my apartment is getting become comfortable.
Anyway, I am glad that there are big supermarkets like Ram Store in Skopje. It makes my life in Skopje a lot easier.
Well, what I have been doing everyday so far for these days is grocery shopping. Here is Ram Store, a Turkish owned shopping mall opened in June, in which there is a large supermarket for me.
I am trying to settle myself at my new apartment since last week. To start new life, especially for comfortable life, you need to buy small things from scratch, such as tissue papers, toilet papers, kitchen papers, detergent, a laundry bag, cute garbage cans for my bed room, bath room, living room and study room, salt and pepper, soy sauce, olive oil, rice(of course), flour, knives, and so on.... like basic stuff, you know.
Ram Store has all. But I can not carry all these things at one time, so, I go there everyday after work and buy things as much as I can carry at one time. With those my hard work, my apartment is getting become comfortable.
Anyway, I am glad that there are big supermarkets like Ram Store in Skopje. It makes my life in Skopje a lot easier.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
lunch at Old Bazaar
For a tourist, good local food is one of the important items to enjoy the travel. In the Old Bazaar, there is this "Lafh Majon(not sure the right spelling in English) " with turkish yogurt, which is a bit saltier than Macedonian yogurt ('yogurt' in this area is for drink).
It is like turkish pizza? On the thin crispy pizza base, thin minced meat sauce. Crispy and tasty. It is very healthy light meal. Right meal for lunch.
観光に大事なアイテムとして「食」がある。オールドバザールで入ったラフマジョンを出す小さいレストラン。トルコヨーグルト(ちょっとマケドニアヨーグルトよりしょっぱい)といっしょに食べる。うまいんだ、これが。うすいピザ?生地にひき肉のソースみたいのが軽ーくのっている。 めっちゃヘルシーなカンジ。
It is like turkish pizza? On the thin crispy pizza base, thin minced meat sauce. Crispy and tasty. It is very healthy light meal. Right meal for lunch.
観光に大事なアイテムとして「食」がある。オールドバザールで入ったラフマジョンを出す小さいレストラン。トルコヨーグルト(ちょっとマケドニアヨーグルトよりしょっぱい)といっしょに食べる。うまいんだ、これが。うすいピザ?生地にひき肉のソースみたいのが軽ーくのっている。 めっちゃヘルシーなカンジ。
Saturday, September 03, 2005
sightseeing in Skopje
So, what do you do as a tourist in Skopje?
There is Macedonian Square like other squares in Europe. You can spend half a day at a cafe, checking out cute Macedonian, and do some shopping around the square.
And there is Old Bazaar, the area that you can see Turkish influence most. The photo is from the Old Bazaar. It is interesting area to explore. There are some old buildings, like a mosque, old Turkish bath and churches, and old streets, like narrow stone-paved roads, from the 11th to 15th century. I would say, "European meets Oriental" taste is all over. I guess that it is the Balkan, Macedonia. I kind of like this mixed taste. You can spend another half a day or more here.
There is Macedonian Square like other squares in Europe. You can spend half a day at a cafe, checking out cute Macedonian, and do some shopping around the square.
And there is Old Bazaar, the area that you can see Turkish influence most. The photo is from the Old Bazaar. It is interesting area to explore. There are some old buildings, like a mosque, old Turkish bath and churches, and old streets, like narrow stone-paved roads, from the 11th to 15th century. I would say, "European meets Oriental" taste is all over. I guess that it is the Balkan, Macedonia. I kind of like this mixed taste. You can spend another half a day or more here.
Friday, September 02, 2005
more about Yugo
Check this out:
You will see how much people love Yugo.
I love a car with stories.
けっこう笑えるのはこれ。 (英語でごめん)
Thursday, September 01, 2005
macedonian language
It is really hard to do grocery shopping in Macedonia without knowing what is what in Macedonian language. I can read Cyrillic script, but I do not know what I am reading means what.
Today, I wanted to buy a pack of bacon at a supermarket, but could not find one. It is just because I did not know what is bacon in Macedonian. There are similar looking packages, which could be prosciutto or smoked ham, or maybe bacon.
Also, I wanted buy a bag of flour, but I was not sure this is just flour in general or for bread making or any other special kinds of flour.... Maybe I should bring a dictionary to grocery shopping ;-)
Today, I wanted to buy a pack of bacon at a supermarket, but could not find one. It is just because I did not know what is bacon in Macedonian. There are similar looking packages, which could be prosciutto or smoked ham, or maybe bacon.
Also, I wanted buy a bag of flour, but I was not sure this is just flour in general or for bread making or any other special kinds of flour.... Maybe I should bring a dictionary to grocery shopping ;-)
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