Saturday, March 31, 2007


Anja is a Macedonian Italian kind restaurant in the park near the Vardar river. My food rating says just ok, but it is a nice place to have a brunch in a sunny weekend when taking a walk because of its location and bright space. There is a fireplace, which is also a plus, creating soothing atmosphere.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

orthodox easter

This year, the orthodox easter and catholic easter are somehow in the same weekend, April 8. Now chicks are ready.


Sunday, March 25, 2007

summer time

From this morning, daylight saving time started. Since my flight to Belgrade was scheduled at 6am today, I had to wake up 3:30am, which means 2:30 in winter time. Men, it was hard.... but the sunrise from the flight was worth it.


Friday, March 23, 2007

rural scenery

Rural scenery from a road on the way to Kumanovo. After few rain, now wheat fields are green. It was beautiful. One selling point of Macedonia is the beautiful rural scenery, I think.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

open government day

It was an "Open Government Day" today. Lots of public visited the Government building as group tours. Students, old men and women were all over in the government with tour guides. Prime Ministers and ministers had Q&A sessions with visitors. To me, most impressive initiative was the display of ancient statues, nicely done with the museum-kind display with light-ups, in the hallways. It was much nicer display work than the one you can find in museums in Macedonia.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

wabi sabi by makedonka

There was an exhibition of a Macedonian artist with concept of "Wabi Sabi". Wabi Sabi is very difficult concept to explain to non-Japanese because it involves deep feelings of Japanese towards impermanence nature of things. Wiki explains somehow, but I guess it is difficult to really understand as own "experience" or feelings. And this artist seems somehow try to express it. Whether she understands the concept by experience or not (I believe she does), I liked her cute style of the drawings. Seeing from this or Macedonian haiku, it seems Japanese concept is well accepted in Macedonia. Good.


Thursday, March 15, 2007

ancient macedonian statues

There are ancient Macedonian statues displayed in front of the government building nowadays. These statues are from some old ruins in Macedonia, I guess, and had been stored in a basement of a museum for a while because there was no space to exhibit, but, lately someone decided to display them in front of the government building because many foreign guests visit the building, and it is nice to show them Macedonian heritage. Aaaand that got on Greek's nerves again (well, the one before was when the airport name was changed to the "Alexander the Great Airport"). Well, I would say that's a politically incorrect move from Macedonian side, again, like the airport name, but, I would also say to Greeks, "Get over". 
(if you do not know why it is so controversial → check Wiki)

(なにがそんなに神経を逆なでしたことになるのか分からない人は→ Wiki)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

construction mafia

When I first saw this building I thought a building on-purposely designed like this as an art object is being constructed. Well, no. It had been illegally developed and "authorities" found out, on the half way of the construction, that the construction project does not have any legal approval or exceeds the dimension set by a building approval authority or something, so, some authorities came in and torn down some part of the building like this as an effort to stop the construction or to stop the building to be used. There are many buildings like that in Skopje; half finished construction, sometimes with some parts demolished. But, the question is what on earth in the first place, nobody notices the illegality until the building takes shape to this level. Or, maybe, people notice it but nobody can do something about it, because someone from “authorities” may be involved in the business. It is called “construction mafia” in Macedonia, as a type of organized crimes. And now the Macedonian Government is trying to stop organized crimes including this construction mafia. BTW my image of “mafia” is more scary stuff that that.


Monday, March 12, 2007


Unfortunately, my favorite Pastis was gone out of business in the end of the last summer. Then, Gusto opened in the fall at the place where used to be Pastis. Since Pizza is not my favorite kind of food, I am disappointed that there is no more smoothie and cute, unique cuisine in Skopje. But still, it is still worth to go for lunch since there are not many restaurants that serve light meals for lunch with good soup and salad in Skopje. I kind of like their panini style sandwich too. Gusto seems a favorite of many foreigners. Every time I go there, I meet foreigners I know.


Thursday, March 08, 2007

osmi mart

Среќен празник (Happy Holiday)! Today, March 8, is a day for women in Macedonia (or in the region). Girls receive flowers and gifts, and are treated with nice dinner or something else to spoil girls (i.e. massage?). I got only flowers since there is no one to pamper me with nice dinner today ;-p .... I guess this custom came from the International Women's day (see Wiki), but it seems people here are more like focusing on the "cute" part of the idea. Good for me. Too bad it was not a holiday; my dear women co-workers were working hard as usual.

マケドニア(というかこの辺の地域)では今日、38日は「女の子の日」 。女の子はお花やプレゼントをもらったり、ナイスなディナーに連れて行ってもらったりします。私もお花とかはもらったりしたけど、ナイスなディナーに連れてってくれる人がいませんでした。ふふ。。。 この「女の子の日」はたぶんいわゆる「国際女性デー」(Wiki参照)にちなんだものであろうと推測するが、なんか本来の意味よりもっと「おいしい」部分だけにフォーカスが当たっている感じがしますね。しかし祭日じゃないのが残念。みんないつもと同じようにがつがつ働いていました。

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


I think this tree looks like a Japanese Sakura (Someiyoshino) tree more. I hope it is Someiyoshino... or is it still too early for Someiyoshino?? Or, Spring in Macedonia comes earlier than Japan?! Or, maybe it is Sakura, but different kind? Whatever it is, this looks definitely more similar to Japanese Sakura than the one I wrote about last year.

なんかこの木は日本の桜に見えないか?!  季節的にはちょっと早すぎるかなあ。。。でももう18度もあるし日差しも強いから、日本の春よりマケドニアの春の方が来るのが早いのかな。それともソメイヨシノとは違う種類の桜か。どっちにしろこの木の方が、去年マケドニア人に「桜咲いているよ」っていわれた木よりもぜったい日本の桜らしくみえる。。。。

Monday, March 05, 2007


It is indeed spring has come in Macedonia. This tree near my office starts blooming. I found it looks like Japanese cherry tree, Sakura. Or, considering the season, it is more likely Japanese plum tree, Ume? Either way, the blossoms look a bit paler than Japanese ones, but still, the texture of the trunk and the shape of the branches look familiar.... Maybe this tree is good for tying up my martinka.

マケドニアはもうほんとに春です。暖かくて素晴らしい天気です。そしてオフィスの近くのこの木の花が咲き始めました。ちょっとなんか桜っぽい感じがする木なんですよねえ。でも季節的には梅か? いずれにせよ、花の色は桜にしても梅にしても日本のよりはちょっと薄いのですが、幹の形とか枝振りとか、なーんか日本の見慣れた桜とか梅とかのそれ、なんですよねえ。。。そうだ、マルティンカはこの木に結びつけよう。

Thursday, March 01, 2007


It is March from today. Martinka is something you wear on March 1 and keep it until you see a swallow back from south first time in the spring. This red/white ball is a kind of martinka, and I am also wearing a red/white yarn woven bracelet, another kind of martinka. And then once you see the swallow, you take this martinka off and tie it to a twig of a tree like what Japanese do with omikuji. It is an old Macedonian tradition to wish your good luck and good health. I am wondering if I can find the swallow before the bracelet is gone somewhere as it was so in the last year.... And I do not remember if I have ever seen swallows in Skopje. Wish me luck.
